What is your artist background?
I have always had a workshop where I draw and compose compositions, I have no formal training just a lifetime of observation and sketches.
When did you start doing your art?
I became fairly committed to drawing, sculpture and painting as a teenager, my father was a sculptor.
When did you start your entrepreneur journey?
I had my first commercial studio/ shop in Nelson in my late 30s.
How do you describe your artwork style?
A little naïve and a little contemporary

Have you always done your field of art or was there other types of art that you have done? If so, what types?
I used to love designing tapestries and drawing to design and manifest sculptures in NZ native timbers. Both these endeavours proved very time consuming whilst raising 3 boys and working as a Nurse, so I concentrated on my first love of painting.
What is the best/ideal environment for you when creating your artwork?
I adore any workshop/ studio that I have and make them comfy with lots of light, I almost always listen to RNZ when I work.
Who is your hero? / Who do you admire the most? And why?
Dame Robin White, I love her art, admire her commitment as a woman artist in Aotearoa and love that she keeps creating art and working collaboratively across the pacific.
What values are important to you?
To be myself and express how I see the composition and pattern of my environment.
Any advice for aspiring NZ artists?
It is very important to stick to your mahi and keep going with the style that is most you.

What was the inspo behind your artwork for your PieceHouse puzzle?
Inspiration for this work was the colour, composition and rhythm of an inner city suburb with a nod to the abundance of native birds in the city. Lori was the amazing artist that created the Seaside Puzzle, which you can view here.
What do you do to help keep your mental health in a positive place?
Draw and play golf, do yoga.
Check out Lori's amazing other work here.