Get to know our friend Marcus
Marcus holds a reputation as one of New Zealand’s most talented creative individuals, creating works that are funky, fun and space-defining. His wildly creative and bold illustrations explore traditional motifs within a modern setting and can be viewed in some of Auckland’s coolest businesses. Not content to stay within the boundaries of one style, Marcus constantly evolves his visually compelling pieces and range of mediums.
What is your artist background?
My father is a well known bronze caster who has worked with some of New Zealand's top contemporary artists, so from an early age I was encouraged to create and appreciate art. After school I studied fine art briefly but unfortunately left due to illness. Once I recovered I decided to not to return to my studies, but rather pave my own artistic path.
What city in New Zealand do you live?
When did you start doing your art?
I've been making art from a very early age, apparently I was drawing before I could talk! But I started taking it seriously around 2015.
When did you start your entrepreneur journey?
I think it was 2016 that I quit my day job and started creating art full time.
How do you describe your artwork style?
That's a tough one because I experiment with multiple styles, but a few words to describe my work would be: illustrative, moody, graphic, symbolic and experimental.
Have you always done your field of art or was there other types of art that you have done? If so, what types?
I actually started off as a sign painter so my work initially revolved around typography and lettering. Since then I've taken a more illustrative/graphic approach to my work, but I'm still passionate about lettering and often incorporate that into my work. I still paint signs from time to time too!
What is the ideal environment for you when creating your artwork?
Music is a must! I listen to lots of different genres so I'll just choose something that matches the vibe of the work I'm creating. I've also recently started listening to audiobooks which is a nice change. In terms of environment - I often paint murals outside which I really enjoy (especially if the weather is nice) but I create my best work in my studio late at night.
Who is your hero? And why?
There's a lot of artists/designers I look up to, but I would have to say the people I admire the most are my parents. They have been my biggest supporters and I wouldn't be where I am without them. They instilled some really important values in me which I'm ever grateful for.
What values are important to you?
Honesty, integrity, compassion, perseverance and freedom.
Any advice for aspiring NZ artists?
Draw or create something everyday. Be like a sponge and absorb everything. Always critique your own work. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations so you can learn and grow. Enjoy the process.
What was the inspiration behind your artwork for your PieceHouse puzzle?
I've always loved collecting trinkets and objects which I associate with fond memories. Emporium is an assortment of these mementos which decorate my house and spark nostalgia. Marcus is the artist that created the
Emporium puzzle.
What do you do to help keep your mental health in a positive place?
I exercise regularly, take frequent breaks from social media, and go for a walk everyday. I'm kind to myself and understand that I actually have control over my mind and the way I feel.