What is your artist background?
Growing up I always loved to draw and spent a lot of time in my room or in a park drawing scenes and buildings. I took art in high school and loved it but never pursued it further
Where in New Zealand do you live?
I live in the countryside near Helensville, Auckland
When did you start doing your art?
I’ve always loved Art and have been crafty over the years but didn’t start doing my art until 3 years ago.

Kay with some of her amazing work
When did you start your entrepreneur journey?
In 2020, after lockdown, We moved to a Lifestyle block and I transformed part of a muddy paddock into a wildflower garden. I wanted to keep the flowers for longer than a week in a vase so I started pressing the beautiful flowers before embarking on this journey of using the flowers to make art.
How do you describe your artwork style?
I create a range of styles using Pressed flowers as a medium. I have a love of flowers and wanted to create art with the flowers so that they last longer than a week in a vase.
Have you always done your field of art or was there other types of art that you have done? If so, what types?
I have dabbled in drawing and watercolours. I also make resin art and dishes using the pressed flowers.

What is the best/ideal environment for you when creating your artwork?
I have a studio, which we renovated, in part of a barn on our property and I press the flowers and create my artwork there. I like to listen to a range of music while creating my artwork. If I’m not in my studio I spend quite a bit of time just wandering around my garden and property finding leaves and flowers to press.
Who is your hero? / Who do you admire the most? And why?
I admire people who go for what they love in life no matter where they have come from.
What values are important to you?
Honesty, kindness, Integrity and my family are very important to me.

Any advice for aspiring NZ artists?
My advice, not just for Artists but everyone, is to keep doing whatever you love to do. Take some risks and give things a go. For years I have had the ethos of if you don’t give it a go you will never know what you are capable of, what doors will open, or what this might turn into. It’s scary to do things new but so worth it. If it doesn’t work at least you gave it a go.
What was the inspo behind your artwork for your PieceHouse puzzle?
I love flowers! All types of flowers and leaves. In this piece I wanted it to be colourful and use as many different colours sizes and forms as I could and to create little areas of interest. I also wanted to use some New Zealand natives and the Kowhai leaves feature in this piece. All the flora are from my property and are many grown from seed.
Kay is the artist that created the Botanist puzzle.

What do you do to help keep your mental health in a positive place?
I love to walk in Nature, whether its just around my garden, through a forest or at the beach. Being in nature calms me and gives me a sense of peace. Sitting at the beach and watching and listening to the sound of the waves is my favourite place to centre myself and switch off from everything. Remembering that there will be highs and lows in life and knowing that the lows will pass if we just keep moving forward.